
Antique Western Bits & Rein Chains

Antique, vintage and new bridle bits and spade bits

PUBLISHED Beautiful antique Mexican bit by Francisco de Yta

PUBLISHED Beautiful antique Mexican bit by Francisco de Yta


Beautiful antique Mexican bit by Francisco de Yta

Francisco de Yta was one of the finest Mexican bit makers the world has known. This bit is identical to the one in the book BIT & SPUR MAKERS IN THE VAQUERO TRADITION by Ned and Jody Martin. I purchased the bit from Ned himself several years ago. This is one of the nicest antique freno charro bits you will find and would be an incredible piece in a bit collection. Asking 565.


“Francisco de Yta was born in Hidalgo, but worked primarily in Mexico City between 1930 and 1950. It was said that he always charged five times more for his pieces, but people thought they were always worth the price. de Yta is considered one of the finest Mexican bit and spur makers of this century.

His decorative treatment of this bit involves the cutting of a series of leaf designs out of a thin strip of silver that is overlaid on the iron and then engraved. This creates a striking design of raised silver silhouetted against the dark iron.” - from the book BIT & SPUR MAKERS IN THE VAQUERO TRADITION by Ned and Jody Martin

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