Spanish Military Weapons in Colonial America, 1700-1821

Spanish Military Weapons in Colonial America, 1700-1821
Missing from most western libraries, scarce and long out of print, this is a must have for anyone collecting or studying weapons used by the Spanish soldados and vaquero militia in Mexico, Arizona, Texas and Alta California. This volume represents an effort to compile a complete catalog, pictorial and verbal, of the military tools of the Spaniards in America for the years 1700-1821. Thus there is a brief historical overview of the time span involved, followed by chapters on firearms, accoutrements, swords, and cannon, lances, escopetas, etc. as well as one inclusive chapter covering lesser weapons such as polearms, knives, and bayonets. In addition, there is a thin bibliography, a technical glossary, and an index.The book is indispensable to anyone researching the history of Spaniards in the American Southwest during the years covered. Hardbound, University of Texas, 1972, 159 pages. By Sidney B. Brinckerhoff and Pierce A. Chamberlain.
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